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Writer's pictureKimmy Dickson

How to Start a Music Career Even When Life Happens

Updated: Jul 7, 2021

With all that life seems to be throwing at us now, it's a little hard to stay focused, to stay on the path you set out for yourself, and to start your music career. If you’ve been wondering how to start your music career now (or just stay rooted to your goals), here’s some help.

In these unprecedented times, it looks like life is throwing way too much at us all. You have a passion for music and you are looking to start your own career, but life happens.

How do you know how to make the best decisions when it comes to starting a music career? How can you set realistic expectations that will not lead you into disappointment or frustration? How do you find time in your day-to-day life to pursue what is most important to you without killing yourself in the process? Let's take a few steps back and try to refocus on what you've already set out to do with your music career.

Stay The path

The first thing you need to do is figure out what the path to your music career looks like (and that depends on what you set out to do, a particular track or specialty that you are interested in seeking out, the skills you need to develop, and the opportunities that still lie on your path).

How will you get from Point A (where life just really got chaotic) to Point B (where everything feels a little more manageable)? What are your long-term goals and how can you break them down into smaller, achievable milestones? The number of questions you need to answer will depend on where you are in the process.

But, for example: How many hours do I spend practising each day? How much time am I spending working on my musical knowledge base and skills? How often am I performing an hour of music per week or month? Am I making sure that every performance counts or that the things you do are still nudging you towards your goals (which are moving targets anyway)?

It's important to ask yourself these questions. Write your answers down. Put them up on a laminated sheet or even a little post-in note on your computer.

Your answers matter, big time.

Find time, motivation, and energy: In the Chaos

At first, it'll seem insurmountable with all of the things going on -- errands, school or college, your day job, kids, pets, family, and everything else that seems to suck your time out from any given day.

It's all manageable, only if you want it badly enough. If you are hungry enough and if you want to succeed with your music business badly enough, you'll find a way (just trust us on that).

You'll need to find some motivation and energy. Plus, you'll need some time:

Schedule or block specific chunks of time during the day (whatever works for you) to do "just a couple of little things'' to make progress with your business.

Is it creating a single track (or a part of a single music track)? How about signing up for any one music distribution platform? Or maybe you can research and pick the right tool to boost engagement for your music business? Can you work on your website? Find ways to promote your music? Maybe hustling on social media can work? Pick what you can.

Look for music Inspiration

You don’t have to give up on what you love doing just because life throws curveballs at you. It's exactly when you feel things are impossible, when your problems seem insurmountable, and when everything seems to go south that you should be looking for some inspiration.

There are musicians, music artists, and celebrities today who've crashed through odds and made it big. There are some celebrities who started music careers without a degree, others have been true rags-to-riches stories, and there are many who've all faced what you are going through right now.

Need some solace in a like-minded community of aspiring music artists, music entrepreneurs in the making, and several others? Join HyperTribe and find help to your burning questions, to feel inspired, to connect, and to prosper.

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